Monday, August 23, 2010


The idea of my thrash-hold is not much different from my trash really, same idea of infestation this time using the concept of a fog to be my thrash hold between the studio and the courtyard.

I wanted to use the idea of a fog because represents the idea of distortion and a sense of change reality as on passes through it. The idea is that while one is in the area of the studio confined to its spaces, it is the place where one is able explore ideas the most, taking risks and trying out different ideas. but once one leaves the studio one is hit with the reality of things.

Are things possible to be built a certain way?

Can they actually be altered in the way that one thought it could be?

How will the altering of my design effect the final outcome?

These are just of the questions that are raised when one seriously considers how to make a design from a single idea become reality.

This idea of reality vs virtual came from the reading that was given.
How during the medieval carnival commoner were able to use coarse language to those of higher status than them without being reprimanded or punished but after that period the hierarchy of the rich and the poor would return reality would return and everyone had to eventually return to their position/status in life no matter how much they detested it.

It was unavoidable.
ps will up load photos later

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