Monday, September 27, 2010


This is my inhabit for the OGG building, a sky bridge that connects the 5 levels together providing a more convenient travel solution and a space where one can have a quite study without really leaving the student atmostsphere

Sunday, September 26, 2010

2nd life/design

this is the results of my 2nd life. the first image is abit... rough but it shall be tidied up :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

the studio

This is the inside of the studio my waalls indicate the change in thought process of ideas, the way we think is different but the restrictions of society is still here no matter how we try to disguise it

final outcome

this is the result of our collerbration. my wall the success parts of my threshold is collerbrated with matts 'onion' like particles they expand and contract together but it is nto witnessed unless you phscially pass through it the 'moment'

the keyhole to the threshold

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

my sculptie(?)

An idea of my sculptie is that it becomes a sort of wall that cannt be seen straight on but on once you walk through it or past it you feel and see it presence. like the illusion that is place inthe 'medieval carnival' the seeming merging of the social classes. In reality this concept is an illusion it could never happen humans can not easily let go of prejudges easily even for a moment, unless it is to their advantage as it was in the case of the carnival, it was created to appease the suffering and hard-life that the lower classes had and give them a small taste of freedom even if it was only was for a small moment.


after talking to my group, we have decided inorder to show co-operation between neighbours we weill some how intergrate our 'thresholds' into on threshold using all the things that we thought was successful individually.
This the beginning of the intergration. my panels are intergrated with Lilly's bubble/flowers.
I.e. implying the intergration of both our ideas.

This is just an interesting view of my threshold looking down.
This is the definition that my group has come up with through discussion.
Threshold: is the obstruction/distortion of vision and perception
carnival (threshold) was a kind of distorted social space compared with normal serious medieval life (reality)
so the distortion of vision shows a distorted social space and social condition
the social space and condition is the courtyard and studio
cause studio is suppose to be equal but there is this hierarchy between students and tutors.
so thats why our threshold shows distortion of vision

there will also be firework like displays in the studio to show a kind of celebration of reality being distorted to reach a new breakthrough of ideas.

interior threshold

this is a view of my interior after further development and talk with tutors. you can see that inside the panels have been distorted but its still maintains the flat 2 dimensional shape. as a reference of what it actually looks in the real world. shall further develop the shape until it fits to the theme more.
this is a a side view of the panels on the outside to show the textures of the panels on the side as they pile up because when you look at them form the side they look like slices of thin material that is attached to the achitecture building.this is a exteriour view to show how my threshold will connect to other nieghboursthis is an close up view to of the panels to show the close up 'claustrophobic' feeling that one experiences when they go through the panels transitioning to the studio area.

Monday, August 23, 2010



this is a look of my threshold after some developments. i've added more panels and scripted some so that they will collapse on commend as one leaves the studio. this initiates the moment where one is hit with reality whether one is ready or not. some of the ideas that you thought of will actually be invalid as they will not work in real life or the outside 'non architectural' community does not approve or see the potential in your idea as you do.
I've also textured my panels to a water texture and scripted it so that it will move to act as a fog boundary/threshold of between the courtyard. the panels also transition/ go into the studio to indicate that the threshold happens during the transition from the courtyar(exterior) to the studio (interior)this is a view of the interior just in initial start. it will be developed onwards


The idea of my thrash-hold is not much different from my trash really, same idea of infestation this time using the concept of a fog to be my thrash hold between the studio and the courtyard.

I wanted to use the idea of a fog because represents the idea of distortion and a sense of change reality as on passes through it. The idea is that while one is in the area of the studio confined to its spaces, it is the place where one is able explore ideas the most, taking risks and trying out different ideas. but once one leaves the studio one is hit with the reality of things.

Are things possible to be built a certain way?

Can they actually be altered in the way that one thought it could be?

How will the altering of my design effect the final outcome?

These are just of the questions that are raised when one seriously considers how to make a design from a single idea become reality.

This idea of reality vs virtual came from the reading that was given.
How during the medieval carnival commoner were able to use coarse language to those of higher status than them without being reprimanded or punished but after that period the hierarchy of the rich and the poor would return reality would return and everyone had to eventually return to their position/status in life no matter how much they detested it.

It was unavoidable.
ps will up load photos later

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A last look at my 2nd life

A photo of office before it will be transformed into something else

pages of my 1st project of Second Semester

Ta Da~ Imagine if the studio had "paper wall" aswell!

This is what it would look like in a room completely filled with "paper ideas" ( its also a photo of my model aswell~)

Ta da~

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The outside

To finish off i decided to show some of the photos of my office from the outside looking in.

MY OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS is the Final product of my Office!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Entrance-first floor

There is a lift and a couch for guests to sit and wait before their appointment

This is floor1.5 as you walk up the stair into a meeting room and the three journals are there placed in order of importance.

There is also an out-door water-slide for

This is the 2nd floor which is also the main office. it is quite spacious as i like to work in a wide clear space. There is an out-door pool aswell.


I put the top 2 photos as photos on my office desk as they are aspects of 'art' like I get inspired from

These are the objects that I uploaded to 2nd Life.

The chandelier is my Faveourite object as it give my main office a spacicous feeling and elegance that is linked to my italtian theme.

I used this roman column as it is simple and elegant

this is very interesting picture because even though it is black and white and only the girls dress is red. It give an atmostsphere as tensity, urgency and electricity between the boy and girl.

I used it as the main background picture of my main office as it inspires me alot.

I photoshopped the picture as I like the model and the builing in which the phoho shoot took place. The ceiling is high leveled-typical of olden style mansions in Europe.

my wallpapers

I use this marble texture alot for the floors and the roof and it suit my theme really well.

Just wanted to show the wallpapers that I used in my office.

Most of these textures were take from